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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
GARUDA brand +god & circle 30
GARUR brand 30
GAURATNA brand +cow 31
GAURAV brand +oval 3
GAURI brand gram floor besa 30
GAURI SHANKAR brand +gods 3
GAYATRI brand +goddess 29
GAYE VASRU brand +cow & cal 30
GBT APPLE brand +apple 30, 31
GC brand 29, 30, 31, 32
GC brand petha ANGOOR 29
GC brand petha angoor 30
GC brand petha cubes 30
GEE PEE brand +drop 29
GEEP brand +automobile 7
GEEP brand +vehicle & circl 7
GEETA brand S.S.C. 21
GEMINI brand +boys & circle 30
GEMINI brand +boys & oval 29
GENDA brand +rhino 8
GG GORA-G brand 30
GHANTA brand 30
GHARI brand +clock 2, 30
GHODA brand +horse & circle 30
GHODA brand HIRA +horse 30
GI GANESH brand 30
GILLY'S EXCEL brand 33
GINNI brand +cat & circle 7
GIP brand 6
GIPSY brand 30
GIRAFFE brand +giraffe 13
GIRAFFE brand CROP-2010 34
GIRDHAR brand +god 31
GIREDHAR brand +god 29
GIRNAR KITE brand +kite 30
GIRRAJ brand +god 29
GJ brand 24
GK GIRIKISSAN brand +vehicl 30
GKT K5 brand 24
GL brand mustard oil 29
GLC KISSAN brand lungies 24
GLOBE brand +globe 16
GLOBE brand +globe & oval 13
GLOBE brand ocpl +globe 1
GNP brand +sun & flower 29
GNR brand 30
GOAT brand +goat stars oval 13
GOAT brand gingelly oil 29
GOBIND brand +drop & arrow 29
GODWIN brand +child & oval 30
GOGUL 222 brand +god & leaf 30
GOKUL brand 29
GOKUL brand rice +god 30
GOL GHAR premium brand 30
GOLD brand 9
GOLD brand +oval 34
GOLD brand TIRUPATI +circle 30
GOLD brand no.1 30
GOLD COIN brand +man woman 30
GOLD COIN brand jeera +meda 30
GOLD COINS brand 7
GOLD LOCK brand +lock 24
GOLD MEDAL brand pulses 30
GOLD SPOT brand 24
GOLD STAR brand +star 30
GOLD STAR brand +stars 2
GOLDEN brand 7
GOLDEN brand +bird & sun 30
GOLDEN brand +cow calf & su 31
GOLDEN brand DALBIR +ovals 7
GOLDEN brand slate pencil 16
GOLDEN APPLE brand +apple 30
GOLDEN CARP brand +fish 29
GOLDEN CROWN brand +crown 30
GOLDEN DEER brand +deer 30
GOLDEN DOVE brand +bird 24
GOLDEN GOOSE DELUXE brand 3, 14, 18, 25
GOLDEN KALASH brand +pot 30
GOLDEN MAYUR brand +peacock 30
GOLDEN PALKI brand surti 34
GOLDEN TOWER brand +buildin 30
GOLDI brand +jug & bowl 29
GOLGHAR brand SS +dome 30
GOMATHA brand +woman & cow 29
GONTYMAN brand basmati rice 30
GOOGLY brand til oil +man 29
GOPAL brand 30
GOPAL brand +feather 24
GOPAL brand +god 3
GOPAL brand +god & cow 2, 30, 35
GOPAL brand +god & ovals 29
GOPAL brand BANI +god 4
GOPAL brand saffron +face 30
GOPAL BHOG brand +ovals 30
GOPALA brand +child & cow 29
GOPI brand +god & cow 30
GOPI brand +woman 21, 30
GOPI brand +woman & pot 2
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